the Confucian Temple in Tianshui, Gansu province

From:新华网Author: 2024-04-08 14:35

Lingxing Gate

The Tianshui Confucian Temple is forlocal people to worship Confucius. It was listed as a municipal-levelcultural relic protection unit in 1985. Except for the Dacheng Hall, which has been largely preserved, other buildings in the temple have been replaced.

In 2006, the ConfucianTemple underwent repairs and greening. Ina limited areawas a very exquisite green design, reflecting not only the cultural implicationof Confucius as a thinker and educator, but also matching the characteristics of Tianshui as a historical and cultural city. The greeneryis generally divided into two areas, the temple area and the leisure area. In the middle, there are three cypress trees and one red leaf plum tree to separatetwo areas. The height of the cypress tree is 2 meters, with a flat top and a red leaf plum tree standing at a height of 2 meters, symbolizing Confucius’s saying"when there are three people walktogether, my teachermust be among them". The temple area is adorned with peonies and Xuancao, and bamboo trees dots thestone tablet corridor to create anancient and elegant cultural atmosphere. In the leisure area, there are 9 different tree of 8 types planted, symbolizing Confucius’s 72 disciples as well as his students all over the world.Here visitors can relax and play.

In 2016, the Confucian Temple was renovated, and thestone statues of Confucius in the courtyard and the reliefs inside the main hallwere restored.


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